Both the Greyhound and Trailways route networks evolved from what originally were many small bus companies, which were gradually consolidated into the two nationwide intercity bus systems. Greyhound became one single company, while several companies with the Trailways name remained separately owned, but all working together in forming a nationwide Trailways bus system.

Greyhound was originally incorporated in 1926 as Motor Transit Corp., renamed Greyhound Corp. in 1930. During the 1930's, various Greyhound companies emerged throughout the United States, either wholly or partially owned by Greyhound Corp., or as separate franchise companies. With franchise agreements, companies would remain separate, while benefitting from nationwide name recognition, and through ticketing and scheduling. Several Greyhound companies were significantly controlled by various railroads.


Histories and main routes of the various companies, and the most significant earlier companies, which evolved to the Greyhound system.

Atlantic Greyhound Lines
Blue Ridge Transportation Co.
Capitol Greyhound Lines
Central Greyhound Lines
Cincinnati & Lake Erie Transportation Co.
Dixie Greyhound Lines
Eastern Greyhound Lines of New England
Florida Greyhound Lines
Great Lakes Greyhound Lines
Great Lakes Greyhound Lines of Indiana
Illinois Greyhound Lines
Lake Shore Coach Co.
Maine Central Transportation Co.
New England Greyhound Lines
North Coast Greyhound Lines
Northland Greyhound Lines
Northwest Greyhound Lines
Ohio Greyhound Lines
Overland Greyhound Lines
Pacific Greyhound Lines
Pennsylvania Greyhound Lines
Richmond Greyhound Lines
Southeastern Greyhound Lines
Southern Kansas Greyhound Lines
Southern Limited
Southwestern Greyhound Lines
Teche Greyhound Lines
Valley Greyhound Lines
West Ridge Transportation Co.
West Virginia Transportation Co.

Recent Greyhound Acquisitions

In 1987, Greyhound acquired the largest Trailways company, Continental Trailways. And in more recent years, Greyhound absorbed an additional longtime Trailways company, and two longtime independent companies.

Carolina Trailways
TNM&O Coaches
Vermont Transit Co.

Official Web site includes schedule information, but only for origin and destination city pairs.

1934 MAP (WEST)

1934 MAP (EAST)

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