In New York City, all bus route numbers are preceded by a letter indicating the borough. Routes were extensively renumbered in 1989, since then this route numbering has generally remained stable going into the 21st Century. Routes most recently introduced are generally not listed.

In Staten Island, the largest street railway company was the Richmond Light & Railroad Co. In addition, the Staten Island Midland Railway operated a few routes. After the Staten Island Midland Railway failed in 1920, the New York City Department of Plant and Structures began operating those streetcars, along with some trolleybus routes beginning in 1921.

In 1925, the Tompkins Bus Co. was formed, and was awarded a franchise to operate gasoline buses on Staten Island. Buses replaced the Department of Plant and Structures streetcar and trolleybus routes, and new bus routes were formed serving previously unserved areas.

In 1927, the Richmond Light & Railroad Co. became Richmond Railways. And in 1933, a Richmond Railways subsidiary Staten Island Coach Co. began operating buses, replacing the Richmond Railways streetcars. The two separate bus systems continued to operate until 1937, when the Staten Island Coach Co. began operating the Tompkins Bus Co. routes. The former Tompkins Bus Co. routes were given new route numbers in the 100's.

In 1946, the Staten Island Coach Co. failed, and the Isle Transportation Co. began operating the buses on Staten Island. But the Isle Transportation Co. failed in 1947, and the city took over the buses.

Route   Route                  Old Route  Buses Introduced
Number  Name                   Number     Streetcars Discontinued

S 40   Richmond Terrace             S  1   1/21/34  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 42   St Marks Pl/Bay St           S101   4/  /25  New Bus-Tompkins
S 44   Cary Av/Henderson Av         S102   3/20/25  New Bus-Tompkins
S 44   Richmond Av (Victory-north)  S  4  12/31/33  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 44   Richmond Av (Victory-south)  S  4  1934      New Bus-Staten Island
S 46   Castleton Av                 S  3   1/14/34  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 46   Walker St/South Av           S  3   6/21/36  New Bus-Staten Island
S 48   Forest Av                    S107   5/  /25  New Bus-Tompkins
S 51   Bay St                       S  2   1/ 7/34  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 51   Father Capodanno Blvd        S  2  1936      New Bus-Staten Island
S 52   Jersey St                    S  5  12/31/33  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 52   Cebra Av                     S  5   3/14/37  New Bus-Staten Island
S 52   Tompkins Av                  S104  1927      New Bus-Tompkins
S 53   Clove Rd/Verrazano Narrows   S  7  11/21/64  New Bus-NYCTA
S 54   Manor Rd                     S110   8/21/27  Tompkins Replace DP&S Streetcar
S 54   Giffords La/Nelson Av        S  4   6/ 3/29  New Bus-Tompkins
S 55   Annandale Rd/Richmond Av     S115  1930      New Bus-Tompkins
S 56   Richmond/Arthur Kill/Foster  S115  1930      New Bus-Tompkins
S 57   Watchogue Rd                 S106  1938      New Bus-Staten Island
       Victory Blvd/Watchogue Rd    S106  1938      New Bus-Staten Island
S 57   Bradley Av/Brielle Av        S111   8/ 1/27  Tompkins Replace DP&S Trolleybus
S 57   Brielle Av/Rockland Av       S111  1932      New Bus-Tompkins
S 59   Richmond Av (Victory-north)  S  4  12/31/33  Replace Richmond Streetcar
S 59   Richmond Av (Victory-south)  S  4  1934      New Bus-Staten Island
S 61   Victory Blvd                 S112  1930      New Bus-Tompkins
S 62   Victory Blvd (Jewett-east)   S112   1/26/34  Tompkins Replace DP&S Streetcar
S 62   Victory Blvd (Jewett-west)   S112   8/ 1/27  Tompkins Replace DP&S Trolleybus
S 66   Victory Blvd/Jewett Av       S  6   1/26/34  Tompkins Replace DP&S Streetcar
S 66   Howard Av/Clove Rd           S  6   7/30/51  New Bus-NYCTA
S 74   Richmond Rd                  S113  10/16/27  Tompkins Replace DP&S Streetcar
S 74   Arthur Kill Rd               S113  10/16/27  Tompkins Replace DP&S Trolleybus
S 76   Richmond Rd/New Dorp Lane    S117  1920's    New Bus-New Dorp Beach Bus
S 78   Hylan Blvd                   S103   3/24/37  New Bus-Staten Island
S 79   Hylan/Verrazano Narrows      new             New Bus-NYCTA

Trolleybuses were introduced on what would become routes 111 and 112 effective 10/8/21. While trolleybuses were introduced on what would become route 113 effective 11/4/22.

Not listed are limited or express bus routes into Manhattan, created in recent years. The 11/21/64 opening of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge at last connected Staten Island with the rest of New York City. Also not listed are several rush hour routes introduced in recent years, numbered in the 80's and 90's.

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